A journey of a 1000 miles starts with a first step.
Lao Tzu
This is my first ever blog post, and with it, I am embarking on a journey with an unknown goal in sight at this time. I’m somebody who likes to think about the world and us—the people that populate it—so I’ll try to offer some of my thoughts here on the internet, and I really hope to enjoy every bit of this journey.
The reason for starting this journey is that I enjoy writing; I think I’ve been enjoying it since my childhood when I wrote short poems and a bunch of other stuff. I also enjoy reading other people’s work, so I thought, why don’t I try to create and publish something of my own where I would write about what I would like to read about and explore?
I imagine this site of mine to be a place where I can focus my attention on something that’s not exactly within the scope of my career and daily job—something that will be fun and interesting to me and hopefully to other people who stumble upon this blog.
At this moment, I’m not even sure what I’m going to write about; I guess more or less anything I find interesting.
This idea of making my own blog or some kind of place where I could share stuff that I care about has been in my head for quite some time. But as with most ideas, it has spent a lot of time in the planning phase. And now I finally decided to take action and do something about what I want. This is my first step on a 1000 miles journey.
The way I did it was I just sat down one day, googled how to make your own website the easiest way possible, and here is the result—my own piece of internet.
I sincerely hope this blog of mine will also encourage you to do something similar and start making and creating things of your own, whatever that may be.
Welcome and enjoy!